
3 Reasons You Should Get On SnapChat - CCSalesPro

Written by James Shepherd | Feb 24, 2016 11:37:12 AM

This past week I finally started my snapchat and as you all know, when I do something, I want to go all in!  I started by listening to a greatpodcast episode from Social Media Examiner about snapchat and then I watched a bunch of YouTube videos on how to use it effectively.  Then, I got on SnapChat and started following a few people myself.  (You should follow GaryVee if you don’t know who he is)

Yesterday, I officially launched my SnapChat (username: ccsalespro ) and opened it up to the public so that anyone can follow my story and I love it already!!!   So, let me give you three reasons that you should be on snapchat today.

CLICK HERE to connect  on SnapChat (From Mobile Device)

#1 – This is the social media platform of the future.  How many of you at some point said, “I will never be on facebook” and now you are on there 10 times per day?  SnapChat is the next big thing.  They have 200 million users that watch 6 billion snap videos per day!  And 70% of the users are under the age of 32 with the vast majority being 22 to 32 years old.

#2 – It is much more personal and engaging than twitter, facebook or YouTube.   Imagine if your had only your 30 closest facebook friends and their posts were only public for 24 hours, after that they were gone for ever.  Also imagine you had no timeline, you simply had to click on each of them once per day to see what is going on in their life chronologically or you could message them.  This is basically what snapchat is.

#3 – I am on SnapChat and I am feeling lonely! LOL  So, I have about 175,000 twitter followers, I have thousands of LinkedIn connections and I think I have about 60 snapchat contacts.  Come join me!  CLICK HERE to add me to SnapChat.

Here is how I intend to use SnapChat to help you make more sales and stay connected to me and to our company as we continue rapidly growing and changing in 2016.

First, I am going to share my “story” with you on a regular basis. Throughout my day I have dozens of interesting conversations with sales reps in the field, executives from processing companies and marketing / technology experts in my own company.  I am going to be sharing tips with you throughout the day from these interactions as well as a more in depth look at what my life is like as an entrepreneur.

Secondly, if you have a question from the field and you would like to hear my 10 second rebuttal via video snap, you can send me a snapchat message and I will do my best to respond to you quickly.

For those of you already on SnapChat, here is my profile, you can open up snapchat on your phone, point your camera at this image and it works like a QR code to connect you with me on SnapChat.

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