
How to Handle “I’m too Busy” Objection - Merchant Services Sales - Revisited - CCSalesPro

Written by James Shepherd | Dec 21, 2017 10:00:41 AM


Often merchants want to nicely get rid of sales people.  So, we hear this objection, “Oh, that sounds great.  But I have too much going on right now.  I have too much on my plate.”  In this episode I’ll give two great responses for the prospects who are “too busy.”  Learn to personally identify and give them a fresh perspective.  By asking the right questions, you can help them make time and close the deal.


How to Sell Merchant Services in 6 Steps

If I could write an eBook knowing what I know today and then go back in time and deliver it to myself 10 years ago when I first got into this industry, this would be the one! CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD

  • The first and most powerful response is to discard the objection. My response would be, “Yeah, I know.  We are all so busy; it’s crazy!  Honestly, though, this is only going to take about five minutes of your time.  How about if I swing by on Thursday around, say, three o’clock in the afternoon.  Would you have five minutes then?”  Don’t even try to engage them on the objection.  This method also allows you to personally identify by letting prospects know you are also busy.  Let them know you have many clients and have things to do.  Your time is valuable as well.


  • Ask the right questions; give them a different perspective. Perhaps their objection is more specific, such as, “I just wouldn’t have time right now because of all the time necessary to switch [or whatever.]”  Here is the way I would address this scenario.


ME:  Bob, let me ask whether you have people working for you?

BOB:  Yes, I do have some people who work for me.  I’ve got five or six employees.

ME:  Okay, now they get many things done for, so you don’t have to do them, right?

BOB:  Yes, that’s right.  That frees me up.

ME:  Here is the way I’d like you to look at your credit card processing.  You are about to potentially decide to hire me.  If you decide you want to switch to my company with merchant services, you are in effect hiring me.  I’m going to be working for you to get things done that you won’t have to mess with.  I would never dream of asking you to invest time in reprogramming your terminal or things like that.  Other processing companies want you to do such things, but we don’t.  I understand what you mean about being very busy.  That’s why I would be working for you to get credit card processing details cared for and free up your time.  The great thing is I’m offering a month-to-month agreement. You don’t know me well.  So, if you’re unhappy at any time, you can make a phone call to cancel.  My commitment is that your time investment is going to be very minimal.  All you need to do is look at the savings and make a decision to move forward.  I’ll even train your employees on the new equipment if you get an upgraded terminal. Now, let me ask you a question, Bob.”  [This is where you close the deal.] “If I’m willing to invest my time to save you money, are you at least willing to talk with me for five minutes?”

That’s a great question.  The merchants will have a hard time saying “no” to that.  I hope this was a help to you.

Read previous post:  Plain and Simple Details for a Good Foundation Propelling You into the Sales Process.

Plain and Simple Details for a Good Foundation Propelling You Into the Sales Process.

Read next post:  How to Overcome the Objection “I’m with my bank”  When Selling Credit Card Processing – Revisited

How to Overcome the Objection “I’m with my bank” When Selling Credit Card Processing – Revisited