
Independent Sales Partners Are Not Robots - CCSalesPro

Written by James Shepherd | Feb 19, 2015 10:25:11 AM

If you are an independent sales professional, you may at times feel like the company you sell for wants you to be a robot.  All a robot needs in order to accomplish an objective is knowledge and skill.  If a robot knows how to do something and has been constructed in such a way that it can accomplish the task, consider it done.

You are not a robot because there is a very important third element that allows you to get things done.  I call it your “Why.”  In other words, Robots, and sadly many sales professionals, focus on the “What” and “How” of sales rather than the “Why.”

Our company has recruited and trained hundreds of sales professionals to sell small business services and yet, I have never had a sales person call me and ask, “Why should I sell merchant services?” or “Why should I sell Point of Sale Systems?”  Instead, the question we get asked most often are, “How does the compensation work?”  “What are the rates you pitch?”  “How do I install the credit card terminal?”

The reason no one asks about the “Why” is that we generally like to think of ourselves as a robot.  In other words, we think, “All I need is the knowledge of how something works and the ability to get the job done and I will be a big success.”  This is simply not true.  Without the “Why” you will never be a true success at anything your are doing.

The extrardinary sales professional starts with the “Why.”  Their logic might go something like this.

I have noticed that small business in the United States is suffering due to their larger competitors.

I want to help these small business owners become more competitive. (The “Why”)

How should I help these small business owners?

I believe if I could help them cut their costs, organize their business better and increase their online presence, this would give them a competitive advantage in their local market. (The “How”)

What company should I partner with to accomplish this?

CCBizPro offers three primary services.  They offer Merchant Services which is designed to save the small business owner money and increase revenues.  Then they offer touch screen point of sale systems to help the small business owner gain more insight, organization and control over their business and finally they own a web design company to help the small business owner expand their online presence.

I am going to give them a call to see if I could join their team. (The “What”)

When I go out in the field with a new sales partner, they usually say something like, “Wow you got really lucky today, everyone you talked to was already interested.” Then they go out in the field and get rejected all day long, confirming in their mind that I got lucky.

They can’t understand it because they are offering the same things I am offering (The “What”) and they are using my pitch (The “How”) but the difference is that I bring a passion to what I am doing because I am passionate about unleashing the potential of small business owners and that is “Why” I do what I do.  When I got out in the field, small business owners pick up on my sincere passion to help them compete and this creates a positive response.

So, “Why” are you doing what you are doing?  Take some time to think about this and allow your “Why” to motivate you to succeed!

Make it a great day!

James Shepherd


Listen to the Podcast:

You Are Not A Robot


Read previous post:  Repost – Should I Work Weekends When Selling Merchant Services?

Repost – Should I Work Weekends When Selling Merchant Services?

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3 Ways to Get More Done in the Field as an Independent Sales Professional