
Top Ten Reasons I Sell Credit Card Processing - CCSalesPro

Written by James Shepherd | Mar 15, 2012 6:44:05 PM

I have been selling credit card processing services for a while, and I love it!  Below is my top ten list of things I love about selling credit card processing.  Take a moment to comment on the blog with your top list or share a sales story with our group on one of the social media outlets below.

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10.  Meeting the most interesting and influential people in my community.  (And then adding them to my LinkedIn network!)

9.  Explaining why some equipment leases are a bad deal for the merchant.

8.  Hearing a merchant say, “So…what’s the catch?” when I offer a good proposal.

7. Watching one of my clients handing out MY BUSINESS CARDS! at a charity event last month.

6. Getting my residual check on the first of each month.  (How much do you make per month, per account in residual?

5. Hearing sales people from other industries say, “You get residual and up front money?”

4. Walking into a business with no connections and closing a deal on the spot!  This is tough to do.  But if you can do it, you know you have mastered the sales and industry knowledge to succeed long term.  Don’t try this on every one, and don’t try it until you know what you are doing!

3. Doing a big deal.  If you have never closed a five+ location business or one with over $100K in monthly volume, you are missing out.

2. Answering the phone at 10 p.m. for a customer and hearing, “I was going to leave you a message; I can’t believe you picked up!”  (I don’t do this every day, but I do it when I can.)

1. Calling Christina (my wife) and saying, “I just closed a deal.  We will be getting paid tomorrow!”  **No matter how much you make, your spouse will always love to get that call!  Make it often!

This FREE ebook includes all you need to find out whether merchant services is right for you! 
