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Tie-downs Are Awesome – Aren’t They?

Aren’t They? “Aren’t they” is a tie-down. Today I want to talk to you about how awesome tie-downs are. In my experience I often find people wanting to get into sales. They have no training for the world of sales at all. I also find many trained sales reps who are not familiar with […]


Aren’t They?  “Aren’t they” is a tie-down.  Today I want to talk to you about how awesome tie-downs are.  In my experience I often find people wanting to get into sales.  They have no training for the world of sales at all.  I also find many trained sales reps who are not familiar with using tie-downs during their sales presentations.

I’m going to explain to you what a tie-down is.  A tie-down will make your prospect feel more than usually compelled to say “yes” and agree with you.  Tie-downs are generally two-word phrases such as: isn’t it, doesn’t it, wouldn’t you, won’t you.

There is a right and wrong time to use a tie-down.  It can be a very good tool to use.  If used at the right moment, it can help your client over the hump of making a decision.  Using a tie-down too much or at the wrong time can come across as being overbearing.  You could lose the sale.

You can use tie-downs at the beginning of a sentence:  “Doesn’t this just make sense?”  Or you could use it at the end of a sentence:  “This makes sense to you, doesn’t it?”  Keep in mind that “Doesn’t this just make sense?” isn’t quite as pushy as “That makes sense to you, doesn’t it?”  You need to learn how to use these tie-downs effectively.

Recently I recommended a great book entitled Fanatical Prospecting by Jeb Blount.  Today I’m going to recommend another book on audible.com by Tom Hopkins entitled How to Master the Art of Selling.  It’s also available in paperback on Amazon entitled How to Master the Art of Selling.  This book has an entire section about tie-downs. 

I like using tie-downs two different times in my pitch.

#1.  Toward the very beginning in my prospecting approach.  There is something that I want them to say “yes” to right at the beginning.  Usually in my case, I want them to agree to a free proposal using instantquotetool.com.  If you are not using that yet, definitely, definitely use it.

#2.  When I am closing the sale.  I use it right at the end to encourage the prospect to take action.  This one is a little tougher for me to give you the exact time or phrase to use.  Every prospect is a little different.  You really need to practice these tie-downs with people to learn how to use them effectively.

Learn to use tie-downs.  If you don’t, you are going to lose money, aren’t you?  See how two little words can transform your sales career?

Read the previous post:  Using Social Media For Merchant Services Prospecting

Using Social Media For Merchant Services Prospecting

Read the next post:  Tier Pricing and Interchange Plus Pricing

Tier pricing and Interchange Plus Pricing – Merchant Services Pricing

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